Monday, December 17, 2012

Time Freeze with Lewy

So I have one last ditch attempt at providing a Christmas Gift before the new year. So I decided on the Time Freeze routine as demonstrated by Lewy. Hope you enjoy the video. And Seasons Greetings to all! Thanks for the support and I'll try and get more videos going in 2013!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Throw back to Tyson

So I know that this week is forgetful numbers week and I couldn't resists throwing back to Tyson from Season 1. I know most of you may have seen this video before, but if you haven't I'd like to re-share it with you as it's a classic and almost instilled the same reaction as Lewy from Monday's video.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Lewy Counts to 10

Lewy is a great subject and there's a few suggestions that I did with him. Here's him counting to ten and how the mind can play tricks on you when you provide the power of suggestion for other people.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Revisit: Compounding suggestions with Dylan

This is a throwback to Dylan, when I was compounding suggestions with him. It's actually pretty cool what you can suggest to people and what their brains do and watching as people do/say what they do/say. Here's how Dylan performed...

Monday, October 15, 2012

Arm Leveitation with Zak

So my man Zak helped me out with a combination of suggestions which included an arm levitation. This was kinda the half way point video for forgetting his name. And trying to do a hand stick suggestion. I have to admit, Zak's reaction of having no control of a limb is pretty cool.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Revisit: Aidzee forgets his name

Given that's it's forgetful name week, I thought I'd drag up a video of Aidzee and a hypnosis routine where he also forgets his name and I give it back. 

Monday, October 8, 2012

First time forgetting names with Lewy

When I mentioned hypnosis, Lewy volunteered straight away. Forgetting his name would be a familiar task that lead into a series of other videos down the track of further fun with Lewy. Given it was Lewy's first time. I figured I'd run the normal routine, until I realised that we would get some new routines out of him, so stay tuned for those!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Magnetic hands with SethNero

As a throw back. This week I'm revisiting Dylan who helped me with magnetic hands as an induction technique as well. I posted this particular video way back in Season 2 at the start of the year, but I still think it's interesting to get an idea of how different people react with the same induction technique!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Magnetic Hands Induction

I try to make hypnotic inductions as fun as possible for people sometimes. Given that Squidgy already knew what it was like to go under hypnosis, I switched things up a bit by performing the "Magnetic Hands" induction. So this is how simple it is to get people to return to that fun hypnotic state a different way!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Blast from the Past: Aidzee forgets his name

Quite often for new people to the hypnotic experience, I setup the same experiences for everyone so that everyone gets a fair go. But lately I'm trying to switch it up a bit. Let's delve into the archives to see what the experience was of Aidzee the Comic, who's been doing stand up for ages, suddenly forget his name!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Name recollection with Zak

Zak helped out again with a Name recollection exercise. As always, it's an interesting sensation when you don't know your own name. This video shows you how much fun you can have when you ask them to give you what they think their name is!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

More Hand sticking!

Whilst we're on the topic of sticking hands to things. Matt was kind enough to help me out with this demonstration. I may have mentioned this before in a previous post, but I build expectation of my subjects that I hypnotise for the first time. Everyone knows that they are going to forget a name or a number, and everyone knows that they are going to get their hand stuck to something.

This a) sets up expectation, and b) it's a common talking experience amongst my friends when they say "oh yeah, he did that thing and that was really crazy" rather than "did he make you forget your name? nah, he stuck my foot to the floor".

And whilst it may be boring to watch me stick people's hands to stuff over and over, it's always interesting to see how people react and I can guarantee, that if you go back though every video, it's with awe and surprise that this weird phenomena has occurred.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Beckophilia's first hypnotic experience

Beckophillia's first time hypnotized was captured and we started off with stuck hands as per usual. You can view he reaction to the whole process here! And Yes, I am a mean person sometimes!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Revisit of Handshake induction week

So whilst we're on the subject of handshake hypnosis, this is the first ever handshake induction that I did which was an induction instead of a re-induction. Billie was a good sport about it all and I honestly don't think it worked that well, but I guess I've perfected it since last year, and realised it's not all about the speed. It's how to capture the subject's attention.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Handshake reinduction with Zak

Zak was cool enough to help me out in a pinch. Today's video is a handshake induction which looks fairly impressive, but is pretty tame.
Before you go giving me a bad rap on my videos, I should explain that my intention was never to teach how the hypnosis is done, but how people respond to it, and if there's enough feedback I may post the actual inductions themselves. But for now, enjoy the comedic value of someone going to sleep based on a handshake!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Back to Basics

So, I'm back again! regularly posting content. I do apologise that I went away for a bit, but it's been uber busy in my personal life, but in that time I've been to make new videos. I wanted to share with you my very first hypnosis video on my channel though, cause I think it's fun going back to basics.
This video demonstrates Alex's first time with Hypnosis and my third actual hypnotic subject! Well if you don't count a couple that I covertly hypnotised, but that's another story...

Monday, September 3, 2012

Squidgy combines techniques

Squidgy loves to help me out, and I wonder sometimes if he's enjoying hypnosis just that little bit too much! In this video, we combine imagination and suggestion in the one go. Enjoy the look on Squidgy's face when he's surprised that his arm does it's own thing, and when he forgets his name again!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


I know I haven't updated my blog with a new video in a while, but I was inspired to make this post because I've finally had some down time, and I can re-focus my efforts into the blog. The interesting thing about hypnosis as with anything you do, is making sure you continually practice. Practicing helps you with confidence and if you are looking to perform like I am, the best thing you can continually do is challenge yourself and practice every day. I hope this inspires you guys to keep on doing the great things you do in life

Monday, July 2, 2012


So whilst I don't have any new hypnosis videos to post, as I'm taking a break one of the things I usually get asked when performing hypnosis is "Does it work on everyone?" My usual answer is that if you've ever daydreamed or lost yourself on autopilot and found yourself at home after being somewhere else and you don't remember what is going on, then yes. Different people have different experiences of hypnosis, and remember that it's never about taking control over someone, you are just merely suggesting things that are fun that will not hurt or put your subject into any danger.
The reason I say this is because it's very important to reassure your subject that it's not mind control, and they still have free will and should you ever suggest something against their morals and ethics, they would not follow though with the suggestion. Like for instance, if you were to take advantage of a subject and tell them that they would take their clothes off, if this is not something that they would generally do under normal circumstances (eg, if they were at a party and decided to streak around the house due to an increased ingestion of alcohol) then they would most likely not go along with the suggestion.
If you want to learn more about hypnosis, please let me know by either tweeting me out or following my videos on youtube, or even checking out

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Speaking of stuck hands

Speaking of stuck hands this week with Billie, I decided that I'd review some old Season 1 footage of Alex and his stuck hands video. You can see in detail in this video how I lay the suggestion out once I have my subject in trance. Enjoy the video and Alex's reaction to the experience.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Preparing your subject

Despite what you think, not all suggestions always go to plan. Whilst this wasn't a failed attempt, this video is an example of what happens when you only half prep your hypnotic subject. In this case, I told Billie that he would have superglue and he would not be able to move his hands, however watch to see what happened....

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Flashback: Squidgy's First Video

Given that it's Squidgy's turn in the spotlight, I wanted to highlight his awesome work the first time we did some hypnosis. I also had an interested audience and we were just chilling at a Shopping Centre. I think this was a first for both of us! but we persevered and I reckon we got awesome footage that we see today! Enjoy!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Heaviest Currency in the world...

Squidgy is always a great mate and great hypnotic subject and loves to help out with Hypnosis cause, lets face it. It's fun! Today's lesson with Squidgy is that with a little suggestion, I can alter the weight of an Australian $2 coin. This idea came to me as a prop because I found a $2 coin on the ground as we were scouting for a location to film this! So enjoy as you watch the confused and comical expression of the talented Squidgy!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Tyson Revisited

So I figured, whilst we were on the subject of Tyson this week, I'd revisit Tyson's first time going under hypnosis. This was filmed behind Fed Square in Melbourne, and I made him forget the number two. I know it's a video I've revisited before if you follow my posts, and I do apologise if it's repetitive, but I found it to be one of my better videos that almost ALWAYS makes me laugh when I watch it, and I wanted to share it with you guys again. If you haven't seen it before, sit back and enjoy the world that is Tyson.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Positive Hallucinations

In today's installment of Hypnosis, we're shifting our focus onto something new called Positive hallucinations. Whilst you may have seen a negative hallucination in the past (ie. making someone disappear) this one is positive in terms of conjuring up something that isn't there. I do apologise for the sound in this video as it would have been awesome to have, but I've tried to include subtitles as much as possible in the event that the road noise got too much. So sit back and enjoy Tyson Hallucinates!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Revisiting Sticky hands with Ned

So lets re-cap from Season 2. I know it really wasn't that long ago, but we need to get over the hump day madness! So as you may have heard time and time again, whenever I perform hypnosis for the first time on someone, I make them forget their name or numbers, and then stick their hands to things. So this is Ned's first time and his reaction to the sticky hands suggestion. If you've seen it, you'll probably laugh again. If you haven't, be pleasantly surprised the first time you watch it :)

Monday, May 28, 2012

Alex and a handshake re-induction

So I decided to post some old footage of doing a hypnotic handshake with Alex. I know that I've masked out most of the sound which was soft anyway, but for those of you trying to learn a hypnotic handshake, it's actually very easy. If you watch my other videos as well, you'll soon realise that you don't need the sound at all. it's all in the confidence of the skill. If you're here mainly for the entertainment factor, then I'm really sorry about today's boring video. I'll make it up to you guys next week ;)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

So I've been trying to get back into the rhythm of being back on track with stuff, and I do apologise that I've taken a 4 week break between my seasons, but it's certainly necessary when I carry a full time job as well! So since the new video I posted was about first time experiences under hypnosis, I thought I would share with you Alex's first time if you haven't already watched it.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Dugald's First time hypnosis

Sorry for the delay. With mothers day last week, I decided to make a video of me making a Blueberry and Passionfruit, white chocolate cheesecake. Sadly that has nothing to do with hypnosis, so I digress. Today's video is Dugald's first time being a willing hypnotic subject. As with any first timers I usually do an amnesia (forget your name or a number) and a catalepsy (hand stick) suggestion, just so I can gauge their level of responsiveness and possibly take the suggestions further in a follow up session. So may I present to you, Dugald and "Super glued hands".

P.S. Dugald doesn't have a youtube channel I can link you to, so he's my first non-youtuber that I've posted ;)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Hypnosis at 100km/h

So we're back on track! Sorry for the delay as YouTube didn't let me upload on time, however here's Tyson and I doing some hypnosis at 100km/h. I've made Tyson forget his name once before, but here it is again with a twist! Enjoy!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Season Break

Hey guys, I know you've probably been looking forward to a new hypnosis video, but time isn't currently on my side! I promised myself however that I would do provide 8 videos, that one every week for the 8 weeks, then take a 4 week break. This is currently week 1 of course, and given there's a bit on my plate (attending a wedding as a groomsmen, Easter, etc) I won't be around to film anything yet! But I will certainly try to stick to the schedule as best I can.

Thanks so much for the support and YouTube subscriptions. It's really giving me the energy to move forward with everything! And the more subscribers and likes I get on my videos, it tells me that you guys enjoy it and that I should be making more videos! (Remember, I do this stuff for free for you guys and in the spare time I have in between my day job!) That's how much I love to entertain you guys!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Mitchell the serial High Fiver

Occasionally I love the fact that hypnosis is about making people feel good about themselves. I decided to give Mitchell a task. He was to find high-fiving people the most funniest thing he had ever experienced in his life. This is what the footage resulted in...

Monday, March 26, 2012

Season Finale (Not Series! I will be back!)

So this is the last video for the season. I'll be taking a 4 week break and returning soon once I've had a chance to regroup and get some more footage cause it's be hella hectic!
In this video however, I show you how easy it is to compound suggestions eg. the Hand stick suggestion along with a name amnesia modifier. Hope you enjoy the round out of videos with the guy that I started the season with, Dylan!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Hypnotic Modifiers

So today's episode is a hypnotic modifier. I use the snapping of my fingers to remove numbers randomly from the series of numbers that Andrew gives me. Don't worry I don't give out his full mobile number but for effect, you can see how interesting this phenomena is.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Forgetting more than just a name...

Time to revisit another video. Sometimes hypnotic suggestions don't always go as smoothly as you'd like. In the particular video attached to this post, a simple suggestion such as "you've probably been in a situation before where you're at a party and you've forgotten the names of people you've been introduced to before" left my poor subject too confused to function, so asking for information, that wasn't his name was quite a difficult task when that's all I needed to get him to forget! You can see how it all unfolds here.

Monday, March 12, 2012

More handshake inductions...

So today's video is another handshake induction featuring Andrue. I've purposefully make sure that the sound is still in the video so you get a sense that I'm not pulling any strings, but I did make sure that the music was louder so that you have to concentrate to hear it. Why did I do this? well 2 reasons. This is an advanced induction. and the second? Well I don't want to be able to teach just anyone this in the playground. If you know a little bit about how this process works, you'll be able to rewatch it and understand what's going on.
Oh Also, notice the shady characters that try to distract my friend as he enjoys hypnosis :)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

First time hypnosis with a crowd

This isn't one of my videos, but it's my early work where I hypnotised one of our friends Jordy in a fast food resturant. This was the first official time where I hypnotised someone in front of a crowd, and you can see what happens. It's interesting comparing where I used to be, with one of my more recent videos and how I've changed and grown. Hope you enjoy it!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Dylan and the Hypnotic Deepener

I decided to show another cut of Dylan (aka sethnero) who was a great volunteer and a natural who loved hypnosis. This was Dylan's second time being hypnotised, but first time on camera. There's a technique called a "deepener" that allows you to intensify the feeling of trance, and you'll see how I do this here as I tell him that the feeling gets stronger and and the cheat of a constant rhythm going meant that he could follow the suggestion perfectly and go back to "sleep"

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Aidzee is an amazing stand up comedian, and an interesting inspiration to my life in terms of presentation and self confidence. I had the wonderful pleasure of hypnotising a classic stand up comedian and watching the process where he fills for time is an interesting exercise when I tell him that his name is gone far away and that he's forgotten his name.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Sticky hands with Ned

Ned is one of those people who are also active in the YouTube community and had never done hynpnosis before and was eager to give it a shot. Sometimes some things don't quite go to plan, like name amnesia, however I decided to roll with the punches and see if his body would respond to the "super glued hands" suggestion. The resulting video is what happened when I got the suggestions rolling, and you also get a sneak peak of what was going though his head when I provided the suggestion to him.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Hypnotic Handshake with Billie

So apparently my video showing me performing a Hypnotic handshake induction with Billie has reached a thousand views. Whilst unfortunately you can't hear the audio of what happened on the day because it was quite windy, it's quite interesting to see how different people react to the handshake induction.

If you want to study the actions again, please feel free to watch this video over and over!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Hypnosis with Tyson (aka ForestHillVlog)

So lets revisit an oldie but a goodie. Tyson was yet again one of those people who haven't been hypnotised before and wanted a go. Tyson was a good sport and his personality reflects the slightly more childish side to him. So I decided to play on this. This is the second half of a suggestion which didn't record properly, but I told him prior that if he saw two fingers being held up on a hand, it would be the funniest thing he had ever seen and can't help but crack up laughing. As always you can click on the video to watch it through.

Monday, February 20, 2012

More fun with Squidgy

So I decided this week to revisit old footage, and break it up a bit. Depending on the level of suggestibility of a person, we can perform negative hallucinations, or making people think someone else, or some other object is invisible. In this case, Squidgy felt so comfortable the first time I hypnotised him, that I figured I'd give this a go, and I make his mate Michael disappear. You can see what happened by clicking the video above. Also part 1 of the Squidgy experiment can be seen here:

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

In the beginning

So if you've ever been interested in hypnosis and what it's all about, I'd like to start with a little game with you guys. Don't worry, this isn't going to get it so you start barking like a dog, or anything like that. It's a simple game to see how suggestible you are in the current environment you are watching the video below:
So regardless of watching the video, I told you this was an imagination game. This is purely to see what your subconscious mind would do. Most people follow the suggestions as it's an easy one to follow, but how much of that they follow is how imaginative you can make yourself, and the environment around you, such as, is it safe? are you amongst friends? do you feel comfortable?

So this is a good starting test. You can play this game as many times as you like, or share it with friends. It's really to get you thinking about how fun hypnosis can be, and what your potential could be as well.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Hand stick suggestions

One of the things that I do for the first time that I've hypnotised someone is to provide usually name and/or number amnesia, as well as a "hand stick" suggestion. This is to give people a taste for what hypnosis is like, and what it's about, and it's something fun to do.

Matt was an awesome volunteer who knew nothing about hypnosis, as most of us don't know anything. So the first thing I did was remove any element of fear, as well as any elements of expectation. I told Matt during the session that I don't want him to expect for things to happen and I didn't want him to feel that he was doing something wrong or right.

Once this pretalk was in place, it was time to do some hypnosis! The results of the hypnosis can be seen here:

Friday, February 10, 2012

Stressful days and Anchoring

It's days or even weeks like this week where it's been horribly stressful as most Australian kids and teachers are well into the swing of school again. As a consequence working in IT and education, this means increased amount of phone calls to the helpdesk, and what I'm finding more and more is that you have no option but to take it on the chin and smile and answer the phone.

So without going postal an suicidal at the end of the week, I've found something interesting to keep myself somewhat calm and sane, which isn't taking illicit drugs, or smoking, or drinking. It's a hypnotic technique called "Anchoring".

So what does anchoring involve? well it's as something as simple as think of the most powerful amazing happy thought that you can think of. Now touch your right earl lobe.

As you continue to come down from your little high, what you should find is that the next time you touch your right ear lobe, that partial feeling will come back. I may not be as strong as before, but it should be there. Do this enough times and you should be able to save yourself from a depressive spiral if you need to.

Having said that, it's not a magical fix for depression or wanting to cause self harm, and not being a doctor, a lawyer, or a therapist, I would hate to give bad advice on using this as a magic bullet to everything, because it doesn't always work for everyone.

Whilst I was in Brisbane, I taught a friend of mine how anchoring works without even hypnotising him. He was intrigued and somewhat impressed. However, I may leave this story for another day... and if you know me in person, do ask me, and I may finish this story for you.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Hypnotic magnetic hands

So the first video of the new year has officially been posted. Welcome to the first video of Dylan (aka SethNero on YouTube) being hypnotised by magnetic hands. Dylan had been hypnotised before by me and has already had the pretalk and knows what happens during the process of hypnosis, so at the time I've asked him to imagine the magnet, I know that he's already to go under and follow the suggestions that I provide for him.

This induction can be used as one for beginners, however with the right pretalk and setup, it's difficult to get the subject to follow where you need for them to go. As I've said before, this certainly isn't a verbatim script on how your subjects WILL behave, but it's a useful tool to start the hypnotic process rolling.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Confidence and rapport

So for those of you who are following along at home should probably know I travel a lot. On occasion I like to test my skill set in seeing how charming I can be and upgrade a plane booking, or seat allocation or cheekily ask for something that I would usually not be entitled to.

For example, sitting in a closed Perth airport gave me time to sit and think and document what I do just to schmooze.

So what does this have to do with hypnosis? Well it's got a lot to do with rapport. It's how quickly you can make someone trust you in the first 30 seconds of meeting you.

For example, I ALWAYS greet someone when they ask 'Hi. How you going?' with 'yeah, great thanks. And you?' people always smile and feel fluffy that I've asked about them. You can usually offer a compliment to short joke and suddenly they like you because you aren't the arsehole that is out to wreck their day.

It's these little life lessons that you don't think about but can instantly gain you respect. Even if it seems like useless small talk.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Things to Come

So the schedule grows closer for the release of hypnosis videos! So you're probably thinking to yourself, what tricks does he have up his sleeve. The short answer is that I don't have much. I'll be showing you that with performing each of these videos, I've been growing with confidence. And lets face it, that's all a hypnotist needs. Confidence.

Please also remember that I basically record these for show with friends, and whilst I would never call myself a professional hypnotist, I have taken every precaution to make sure that the correct safe guards are in place so that anyone that I record with, are trusted, and trusting of me, as well as making sure that all the suggestions made during the session are removed. And of course consent is provided to the recording and uploading of videos to YouTube.

I will be posting more and more as I go, but essentially, I never want these videos to be a verbatim thing on how you hypnotise your friends, but for now, I'd like to show you the different reactions from different people of the same basic suggestions that I use! And, of course, I'll throw some advanced suggestions in there too! Happy hump day people, and it'll be the weekend soon! Which means the first video of the new year (well hypnosis wise) will be on Sunday 5th Feb (AEST - That's Australian Eastern Standard Time)

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Hypnosis Playlist

Thursday, January 26, 2012


So today I uploaded a trailer in order to let people know when I’ll be starting again. It should be interesting cause I’m really excited that I’ll be starting the uploads again soon. I have a slightly better schedule of videos so it should be good! I hope you guys enjoy it and and let know if you have any ideas for videos, or let me know if the videos are good/bad/ugly!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Hey guys, welcome in joining me on me hypnotising my friends. I figured that I would blog about the experience for anyone who wanted to follow along!

Please note that this will not be a verbatim (word for word) way of hypnotising your friends, but feel free to enjoy, watch and learn different scenarios that I put to people. This will be showing the good, and the bad (as in the things that didn't work) so that you too can learn as we go!

So I hope you enjoy this and if you want to follow my work, please subscribe to me on youtube over at and I hope you enjoy my videos!