Tuesday, July 24, 2012


I know I haven't updated my blog with a new video in a while, but I was inspired to make this post because I've finally had some down time, and I can re-focus my efforts into the blog. The interesting thing about hypnosis as with anything you do, is making sure you continually practice. Practicing helps you with confidence and if you are looking to perform like I am, the best thing you can continually do is challenge yourself and practice every day. I hope this inspires you guys to keep on doing the great things you do in life

Monday, July 2, 2012


So whilst I don't have any new hypnosis videos to post, as I'm taking a break one of the things I usually get asked when performing hypnosis is "Does it work on everyone?" My usual answer is that if you've ever daydreamed or lost yourself on autopilot and found yourself at home after being somewhere else and you don't remember what is going on, then yes. Different people have different experiences of hypnosis, and remember that it's never about taking control over someone, you are just merely suggesting things that are fun that will not hurt or put your subject into any danger.
The reason I say this is because it's very important to reassure your subject that it's not mind control, and they still have free will and should you ever suggest something against their morals and ethics, they would not follow though with the suggestion. Like for instance, if you were to take advantage of a subject and tell them that they would take their clothes off, if this is not something that they would generally do under normal circumstances (eg, if they were at a party and decided to streak around the house due to an increased ingestion of alcohol) then they would most likely not go along with the suggestion.
If you want to learn more about hypnosis, please let me know by either tweeting me out or following my videos on youtube, or even checking out http://www.facebook.com/TentyMedia