Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Mitchell the serial High Fiver

Occasionally I love the fact that hypnosis is about making people feel good about themselves. I decided to give Mitchell a task. He was to find high-fiving people the most funniest thing he had ever experienced in his life. This is what the footage resulted in...

Monday, March 26, 2012

Season Finale (Not Series! I will be back!)

So this is the last video for the season. I'll be taking a 4 week break and returning soon once I've had a chance to regroup and get some more footage cause it's be hella hectic!
In this video however, I show you how easy it is to compound suggestions eg. the Hand stick suggestion along with a name amnesia modifier. Hope you enjoy the round out of videos with the guy that I started the season with, Dylan!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Hypnotic Modifiers

So today's episode is a hypnotic modifier. I use the snapping of my fingers to remove numbers randomly from the series of numbers that Andrew gives me. Don't worry I don't give out his full mobile number but for effect, you can see how interesting this phenomena is.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Forgetting more than just a name...

Time to revisit another video. Sometimes hypnotic suggestions don't always go as smoothly as you'd like. In the particular video attached to this post, a simple suggestion such as "you've probably been in a situation before where you're at a party and you've forgotten the names of people you've been introduced to before" left my poor subject too confused to function, so asking for information, that wasn't his name was quite a difficult task when that's all I needed to get him to forget! You can see how it all unfolds here.

Monday, March 12, 2012

More handshake inductions...

So today's video is another handshake induction featuring Andrue. I've purposefully make sure that the sound is still in the video so you get a sense that I'm not pulling any strings, but I did make sure that the music was louder so that you have to concentrate to hear it. Why did I do this? well 2 reasons. This is an advanced induction. and the second? Well I don't want to be able to teach just anyone this in the playground. If you know a little bit about how this process works, you'll be able to rewatch it and understand what's going on.
Oh Also, notice the shady characters that try to distract my friend as he enjoys hypnosis :)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

First time hypnosis with a crowd

This isn't one of my videos, but it's my early work where I hypnotised one of our friends Jordy in a fast food resturant. This was the first official time where I hypnotised someone in front of a crowd, and you can see what happens. It's interesting comparing where I used to be, with one of my more recent videos and how I've changed and grown. Hope you enjoy it!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Dylan and the Hypnotic Deepener

I decided to show another cut of Dylan (aka sethnero) who was a great volunteer and a natural who loved hypnosis. This was Dylan's second time being hypnotised, but first time on camera. There's a technique called a "deepener" that allows you to intensify the feeling of trance, and you'll see how I do this here as I tell him that the feeling gets stronger and and the cheat of a constant rhythm going meant that he could follow the suggestion perfectly and go back to "sleep"