Monday, April 2, 2012

Season Break

Hey guys, I know you've probably been looking forward to a new hypnosis video, but time isn't currently on my side! I promised myself however that I would do provide 8 videos, that one every week for the 8 weeks, then take a 4 week break. This is currently week 1 of course, and given there's a bit on my plate (attending a wedding as a groomsmen, Easter, etc) I won't be around to film anything yet! But I will certainly try to stick to the schedule as best I can.

Thanks so much for the support and YouTube subscriptions. It's really giving me the energy to move forward with everything! And the more subscribers and likes I get on my videos, it tells me that you guys enjoy it and that I should be making more videos! (Remember, I do this stuff for free for you guys and in the spare time I have in between my day job!) That's how much I love to entertain you guys!