Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Blast from the Past: Aidzee forgets his name

Quite often for new people to the hypnotic experience, I setup the same experiences for everyone so that everyone gets a fair go. But lately I'm trying to switch it up a bit. Let's delve into the archives to see what the experience was of Aidzee the Comic, who's been doing stand up for ages, suddenly forget his name!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Name recollection with Zak

Zak helped out again with a Name recollection exercise. As always, it's an interesting sensation when you don't know your own name. This video shows you how much fun you can have when you ask them to give you what they think their name is!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

More Hand sticking!

Whilst we're on the topic of sticking hands to things. Matt was kind enough to help me out with this demonstration. I may have mentioned this before in a previous post, but I build expectation of my subjects that I hypnotise for the first time. Everyone knows that they are going to forget a name or a number, and everyone knows that they are going to get their hand stuck to something.

This a) sets up expectation, and b) it's a common talking experience amongst my friends when they say "oh yeah, he did that thing and that was really crazy" rather than "did he make you forget your name? nah, he stuck my foot to the floor".

And whilst it may be boring to watch me stick people's hands to stuff over and over, it's always interesting to see how people react and I can guarantee, that if you go back though every video, it's with awe and surprise that this weird phenomena has occurred.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Beckophilia's first hypnotic experience

Beckophillia's first time hypnotized was captured and we started off with stuck hands as per usual. You can view he reaction to the whole process here! And Yes, I am a mean person sometimes!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Revisit of Handshake induction week

So whilst we're on the subject of handshake hypnosis, this is the first ever handshake induction that I did which was an induction instead of a re-induction. Billie was a good sport about it all and I honestly don't think it worked that well, but I guess I've perfected it since last year, and realised it's not all about the speed. It's how to capture the subject's attention.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Handshake reinduction with Zak

Zak was cool enough to help me out in a pinch. Today's video is a handshake induction which looks fairly impressive, but is pretty tame.
Before you go giving me a bad rap on my videos, I should explain that my intention was never to teach how the hypnosis is done, but how people respond to it, and if there's enough feedback I may post the actual inductions themselves. But for now, enjoy the comedic value of someone going to sleep based on a handshake!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Back to Basics

So, I'm back again! regularly posting content. I do apologise that I went away for a bit, but it's been uber busy in my personal life, but in that time I've been to make new videos. I wanted to share with you my very first hypnosis video on my channel though, cause I think it's fun going back to basics.
This video demonstrates Alex's first time with Hypnosis and my third actual hypnotic subject! Well if you don't count a couple that I covertly hypnotised, but that's another story...

Monday, September 3, 2012

Squidgy combines techniques

Squidgy loves to help me out, and I wonder sometimes if he's enjoying hypnosis just that little bit too much! In this video, we combine imagination and suggestion in the one go. Enjoy the look on Squidgy's face when he's surprised that his arm does it's own thing, and when he forgets his name again!